Climbing is an amazing past time. It's a great form of exercise, teaches balance and coordination and is just over all fun. At the same time it's challenging for new comers. So challenging in fact that it tends to be a little discouraging for many. But with a few insights and a little practice, anyone can be a great climber and learn to truly enjoy it. Let's start with the most basic tips to make your climbing adventure more enjoyable.
If you're new to rock climbing, learning a few basic techniques can dramatically improve your performance. Building the strength, flexibility and balance necessary for advanced rock climbing will take time, but don't be discouraged. Climbing is a sport where you can see measurable improvement even if you go to the climbing gym just once or twice a week.
Stay Close to the Wall
Many beginning climbers approach the wall straight-on as if they were climbing a ladder. While this may work for some lower-graded routes, greater technique is required for more difficult climbs. Watch seasoned climbers at the gym: you'll notice that they turn their hips into the wall, often shifting from one side to the other as they move upward. Keeping your hips turned in helps keep your center of gravity towards the wall. If you pull your hips or your bottom away from the wall to raise your foot, you pull your weight away from the wall, which could cause you to fall. Also, try moving your arms up in a sweeping motion away from your body. Moving your arms straight up in front of your torso can create space between your body and the wall, which can also throw you off balance.
Extend Your Reach
Turning your hips into the wall can also give you more reach. If you're facing the wall and aiming for a hold that is slightly out of reach, turning the side of your body into the wall can give you that little extra length that you need. Make sure that you are reaching with the same side of your body that is turned into the wall.
Use the Edges of Your Feet
As you climb, pay attention to your foot placement. Try to use just the edge of your foot on the holds. As you begin climbing more difficult routes, you'll notice that some of the foot holds are too small to step on squarely with the middle of your foot. Climbing shoes are designed to make it easy to balance on the edges of your feet. As you move up the wall, you will use both the inner and outer edges of your toebox.
Use Your Legs for Power
Many beginning climbers will try to pull themselves up to the next hold with their arms. If you're new to climbing, you may notice that your arms wear out faster than anything else on your body, except maybe your hands. All of your power should come from your legs. Always place your foot securely and then push up with your legs, while using your arms mainly for balance. With prolonged climbing you will build your upper-body strength, but don't rely on your arms for upward mobility.
Keep Your Arms Straight
If you are climbing on any sort of an overhang, try to keep your arms straight as much as possible. This may feel awkward, especially if you are keeping your hips close to the wall: you'll find that your lower body is close to the wall but your upper body may be leaning back. This will help conserve your arm strength. Using your arms to hold yourself into the wall will wear your arms out quickly.
Article Written By Karen Eisenbraun
(Sunday, June 23, 2024)
Good Morning,
This past Friday, with all the end of school year activities, school graduations and more, we decided to forego our regular trip to Climber's Rock. Unfortunately everyone was tied up (pun intended). Never fear, there is much more climbing to come throughout the remainder of the year.
Coming up, we have a day of kayaking in Lake Ontario. We will go over many Basic Sea Kayaking skills and depending on how much time we have may even enjoy a relaxing paddle along the shoreline. The following week we will once again visit Climber's Rock for another fun evening of indoor climbing and then take a break the week after to allow us to prepare for our Georgian Bay Kayak trip the following weekend.
I am pleased to announce that NAC Season Passes will soon become NAC Adventure Passes!
You'll have a choice of 3 different options;
Beginner Adventure Pass - a 4 month pass that is perfect for the newcomer who wants to try the club out and make sure it's a good match for them.
3 Season Adventure Pass - a 9 month pass that is perfect for those that don't like the cold winters, or any other season. Choose your start date and get 9 continuous months of adventures, discounts from NAC Partners and more.
Annual Adventure Pass - a 12 month pass that caters to the true adventurer. It offers a full year of adventures, discounts and much much more. Choose your start date and enjoy 12 months of awesomeness!
That's all the news for this week.
Remember, the adventure never ends, it's just a change of location!
Lenny Burch