Six weeks back, we took a look at how climate change is affecting the spread of ticks throughout our province and the effect it has had on the spread of Lyme Disease. But the best way to protect yourself from Lyme Disease and the other pathogens that Ticks may carry is to avoid them altogether! With that, let's dive into this week's article and learn the best ways to check for ticks, remove ticks and best yet, just avoid them altogether.

For those who hike, bike, paddle and climb, wearing the proper footwear, helmet or personal floatation device is essential. Beyond these basic steps though, there is another important way to stay safe in the outdoors: avoiding tick encounters. The Canadian Lyme Disease Foundation, CanLyme, is passionate about preventing tick encounters and Lyme disease.
Ticks Can Be Stealthy
Ticks can be as small as a poppy seed, and they can be very stealthy. They hang out on blades of grass, leaves and other plants waiting for a host to attach to, and can make it all the way to a person’s scalp without being noticed. Because ticks inject an anesthetic before they become embedded, many people don’t even recall seeing or feeling a tick, even after it has become attached. You may find a tick by feeling it with your hands, seeing it on your body or having someone else see it on your body. If you do find an embedded tick, you are fortunate because you can remove it properly, identify what kind of tick it is and have it tested. Although ticks in some areas of Canada are more likely to carry Borrelia burgdorferi, the pathogen that causes Lyme disease, ticks can be found in virtually any region of the country.

Prevention is Key
Being tick aware and taking a few important precautions can greatly reduce your chance of an unwanted tick encounter. Staying on trails or pathways is best, but not always possible, especially for children and pets. Using an effective insect repellent also helps to keep ticks from latching on. Choosing the right repellent can depend on personal preference, age and even environmental considerations. Look for repellents that have been properly tested and approved, choose a repellent that you will be most likely to use and, most importantly, remember to use it! It’s a good idea to keep a small container of repellent in your backpack. Ticks are easier to spot on light-coloured clothing, and tucking your pants into your socks can help as well. You can also purchase clothing that has been pre-treated with various tick repellents.

Make Time for Tick Checks
Some of the steps you can take at home, such as placing your clothes in the dryer to kill ticks or taking a shower after being outside, are not always possible when you’re camping. Making daily tick checks part of your outdoor routine can greatly reduce the chance of contracting Lyme disease. It’s important to check everywhere, including your scalp and other hiding places like your armpits, groin, behind your knees and even your belly button. Feel the back of your arms, legs and scalp. Have someone else check your back. Don’t forget to check your kids and pets, especially after they’ve been exploring off the beaten path.

Tick Removal, Identification and Testing
If you do find an attached tick, it’s important to remove it correctly as soon as possible. Don’t forget to keep the tick! It’s helpful to take photos, too. CanLyme has a Tick Removal Kit that is easy to find in your pack, first aid kit or car, and contains everything you need to safely remove, identify and store a tick for further identification and testing. If you don’t have a tick removal kit, carry a pair of fine tipped tweezers and a zip lock bag to store the tick in. It’s important to know what kind of tick you have because different types of ticks can carry different types of pathogens. You can also have the tick tested. is a Canadian tick testing company that provides timely results for many of the pathogens that ticks can carry.
Diagnosing Lyme Disease: Know the Signs
If you have been bitten by a tick, be on alert for the early signs of Lyme disease; symptoms can be mistaken for the flu. The first symptoms can include fever and chills, muscle or joint pain, headache, a rash and fatigue. Although not everyone has a rash after a tick bite, it’s important to check everywhere on your body for one. An expanding rash that may or may not look like a bullseye can help with early diagnosis. Although blood tests for Lyme disease can help with diagnosis, a negative test doesn’t always mean you don’t have the infection. False negatives are possible at any time, but especially in the weeks before your body has produced antibodies. Diagnosing Lyme disease and other tick-borne illnesses is not always straightforward. Information about your symptoms, where you’ve been and when, and even tick and rash photos can help your doctor diagnose Lyme disease in a clinical setting. Undiagnosed and untreated Lyme disease can be complex and life altering, making early diagnosis and proper treatment even more important.

Education, Advocacy and Research for a Better Future
For many reasons, getting a diagnosis and adequate treatment for Lyme disease and other tick-borne illnesses is not always straightforward. Find out more about diagnosis and treatments at CanLyme is passionate about engaging with national and international scientific communities to promote a more complete and comprehensive understanding of Lyme disease and other tick-borne illnesses. CanLyme educates and advocates online through social media and the Looking at Lyme podcast. CanLyme also engages with communities across Canada through awareness and fundraising events and campaigns and healthcare providers with education grants. Subscribe to the newsletter and stay connected.
This article was sponsored by The Canadian Lyme Disease Foundation
Canadian Lyme Disease Foundation (CanLyme) promotes a more complete and comprehensive understanding of Lyme disease and related illnesses through research, education and advocacy to help reduce misdiagnosis and improve treatments for Lyme disease.
Please consider making a donation so that we can help people with Lyme disease by continuing to educate, advocate and support research. Thank you!
Written by Catherine Kinsella for Explore Magazine, published May 11, 2023
(Sunday, July 2, 2023)

Good Morning,

This weekend is the Canada Day Weekend. A time that we celebrate the founding of this incredible and majestic country! Canada has a long history that dates back a few Millenia. Originally settled by Vikings in the area now known as Newfoundland. Five Millenia later France, England and the Netherlands settled the vast landscape. Eventually seven British Colonies were formed, Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, British Columbia, and Newfoundland. Finally, on July 1st, 1867, these seven colonies were united under the British North America Act, and the Dominion of Canada was formed. If you would love to know more about the History of Canada, read the article, "How Old is Canada as a country?" by Fresh Tracks Canada.
Summer is here, and as such, many of you are off on your own vacations and adventures. Unfortunately, this has forced NAC to cancel a few of it's events due to the lack of participants. Although the Friday evening climbs at Climber's Rock Inc. have still been running with a reduced number of participants, we have had to cancel the last two day hikes. This means NAC hasn't hosted a day hike in over a month! Both of the cancelled hikes have been rescheduled, and I am hoping to get them done by the end of summer.
The longer summer days allow us to journey further, and it's my intention to complete my GPS logs of the Beaver Valley this summer. In order to complete the valley, I will have to host at least three full day hikes of 18 to 25 kilometers. The first has been posted for just after our return from Iceland and will be 18km long with a 12km option. This hike will complete my logs of the entire east side of the Beaver Valley. I will soon plan a 25km day hike to complete my logs of the west side of the valley. This hike will also offer a shorter version. And there is one final 23km section just south of Cape Crocker to complete.
We are only a few weeks away from our Iceland Expedition. Be sure to keep an eye on the Facebook page to follow along! Each day, messages will be posted to the page to let everyone know we are safe and will include a link to view our location! Make sure you follow and like our page in order to enjoy all our photos from this and every adventure.
That's all the news for this week. As always, stay safe, and happy hiking!
Lenny Burch