Kittens, campfires and thorny bushes all have it in for your jacket, and just one little hole can let lots of precious down fly free. Luckily, patching small holes is pretty simple.

Here’s what you need:
Gear repair tape, such as Tenacious Tape™
Rubbing alcohol
A rag

Here’s how to patch your down jacket:
Pull feathers back in: If there are any feathers sticking out of the hole, pinch them from the other side and pull them back inside the jacket.
Cut the patch: Use your scissors to cut a patch that will cover the hole with about one inch of overlap in every direction. If you round the edges of the patch, it will last longer.
Prep the area: Clean the area around the hole with your rag and rubbing alcohol.
Apply the patch: Make sure to smooth out the jacket to avoid wrinkles, then press the patch into place with your fingers. The patch will take about 48 hours to fully cure, so be gentle with it for the first couple days.
For More Help
If you’re not up for DIY repairs, or you have a really large rip, consider taking your jacket to Sport Sewing Shop. 1931 Gerrard St. E, Toronto ON. (416) 690-4669
I have personally used their services for everything from lengthening GoreTex pants to customizing backpacks and more. They do a wonderful job at reasonable rates.
This article was featured on REI Expert Advice.
N.A.C. News
(Sunday, November 22, 2020)
Hello everyone,

It's time for Adventure Weekly, Volume 25. It's time to register for the 2021 season! See all the member benefits here. Don't miss out, REGISTER NOW!
As I am sure everyone has heard by now, regions will be placed into coloured zones based on the percentage of active cases and infection rates. As such, there will be some changes to NAC Events.
Our next hike, The Glover Mountain Loop Hike, will continue as planned. However, all proceeding hikes will be limited to 10 guests. This will be a first come, first serve basis. The Winter Festival of Lights Walk will take place in Niagara Falls, an Orange Zone, and therefore will be limited to 25 guests, with masks, and socially distanced.
At this time, and until further notice, Niagara Adventure Club is asking that anyone, members or otherwise, who live in a Grey Zone do not participate in events. The government has asked those that are in Grey Zones to not leave their region.
Remember; all attendees are required to perform a COVID Self Assessment within 72 hours of attending!
Click here to find out what zone you are in, and the guidelines you are to follow.
Click here to take your COVID Self Assessment.
If the situation continues to worsen, I will consider cancelling the remainder of the hikes and shutting down N.A.C. until such a time it is safe to gather again. If you have registered for upcoming events, please watch for possible cancellation emails. I would like to thank you all for being so understanding and helpful during this time. I understand how frustrating this year has been for everyone with contant changes to rules, work shortages and more. Together we will get through this. That's all the news for this week. As always, stay safe, and happy hiking! Lenny Burch Niagara Adventure Club